Stirling engine Adapter on Can 135 x 54 mm
Stirling engine Adapter on drink aluminium Can cca 135 x 54 mm. You need, steel wool (cleaning need), 150 x 2 mm steel rod (cut from a steel grid), all from kitchen needs ( in Supermarket ). Electro-installation chocolate. Power piston: Balloon and 1 screw and 2 M3 nuts ( metric system ). Alcohol lamp or minimum 3 small wax candles ( well set to run on one ). For water cooling: Putty / mastic / or sealant ( ideal is red color: high temperature resistant to 600C, sold in automobile needs ). How connect parts is on Youtube. Water cooling demo: Fact: Between the power piston (balloon) and the regenerator (steel wool), there is an angle of 90 degrees on the connecting rod. Important fact: Only work if it does not leak any mini milimeter air. Tip: Add water cooling, for maximum power. As shown on the photo. If you fail somewhere, water cooling change the engine, from not working, to high torque, and it will overcome even if you have a great friction. Eliminate friction as you can. More power = add ice cubes into the water. Water protects PLA from melting. ( well engine made should work for several minutes even without water cooling, then it starts to melt the PLA at the bottom. )