Geeetech a10m simplify3d profile

Geeetech a10m simplify3d profile


After receiving my Geeetech a10m printer, I had little luck finding a simplify3d profile that worked consistantly. I have spent several weeks working in this and have received positive feedback on other web forums. I've decided to post my profiles here to help others like me. I have attached 2 profiles, a standard one and one for if you have a touch sensor installed. Both profiles now work with Simplify3d dual extrusion wizard. **Touch Sensor profile only** The touch sensor profile has a complex start script. It keeps the head at a max of 150 degrees so that the nozzle doesn't leak while it is doing the 9 point bed level. If you need to change extruder temp with the Touch sensor profile, you will have to change the start script line "M109 S195 ; Set extruder temp and wait to be reached" The number after the S is your extruder temp







3D Printing