Long Range & High Power Cartridge Collection
A collection of most common and some scarce high power, high velocity & long range cartridges from WWI to present in 1:1 scale. The current scope contains in ascending order: <ul> <li>7.62 x 54 R</li> <li>.30-06 Springfield</li> <li>.338 Lapua Magnum</li> <li>.408 Chay Tac</li> <li>.416 Barrett</li> <li>.50 BMG</li> <li>14.5 x 114 Russian</li> <li>20 x 138 B German FLAK</li> <li>...</li> </ul> <i>09.03.2019 added 3 historic cartridges</i> <ul> <li>8 x 50 mm R Mannlicher</li> <li>8 x 57 mm IS (Infanterie Spitz/ 8mm Mauser)</li> <li>.45-70 Government</li> </ul> <i>29.03.2019 added 3 WWI / early WWII anti tank cartridges</i> <ul> <li>7,92 x 107 mm Maroszek</li> <li>7,92 x 94 mm</li> <li>13 x 92 HR mm (German Tankgewehr)</li> <li><i>Now also contains an engraved version of the .50 cal as well as links to chain .50s together to an ammo belt - an original slim version (very fragile and hard to print) as well as an overdimensioned one optimized for stable printing but not quite as authentic.</i></li> </ul> All cases and projectiles are designed as separete pieces so they can be painted individually and attached/detached at will. The outer dimensions of case and bullet are 100% true to spec. Please note for some calibers the wall strength of the case is lower than actually printable solid. In these cases the back of the bullet had to be shrunk in diameter a little. Cartridges are missing a primer so as to indicate they are not sharp. Might add primers as separate pieces later on. This thing is marked "work in progress" for a reason - no collection is ever complete! <b>Feel welcome to participate not only by making your own cartrides but also by contributing new interesting cartriges (and optimally including dimension references).</b> <i>But please note I will ignore pistol cartriges and anything <= 5.56 NATO (.223 Remington) as I do not consider them interesting enough.</i>