Latched Small Parts Box with Snap Hinge Lid (No hardware!!)
This is a latched small parts box with a snap hinge. This is a variation of another box I designed but without the need for any hardware or tools to assemble ( Useful for organizing and storing small piece like screw, nuts, resisters, etc. The lid is flush against the top of the base so it can be jostled or turned upside down and everything will stay in place while the latch keeps the lid closed. The thumb pads on the lids and base on the front side of the box to make it easier to open and close. To attach the lid to the base carefully by pressing the "pegs" on the lid into the hinges on the base(see screenshot). The "pegs" on the lid will be "bridged" during printing and as such, the bottoms might droop a little and be a little misshapen. If the lid does not pivot smoothly in the hinge, remove the lid and, with a hobby knife or something similar, remove a little bit of plastic from the underside of the "pegs" on the lid. This should let the lid pivot more smoothly. This was my second attempt at using Fusion 360 to design something functional. Please be kind, but constructive comments and recommendations on how to improve the design are greatly appreciated. Though not a remake, I was inspired by zx82net's Small Parts Storage Box( I was also inspired by bnimon's Screw and Bolt Box, hinged with snap lid( to make a version of my original box with a snap hinge. UPDATE 3/1/2019 Based on sllimj's suggestion in the comments, I've included three additional configurations of the base with different number and size of compartments. The original contained 12 small compartments. I'm including files for: 1) 4 small and 4 medium compartments 2) 6 medium compartments 3) 3 large compartments. Someone much smarter than me probably knows how to make this a customizable object where the user can pick the number and/or configuration of the compartments. If anyone has any thoughts or wants to collaborate on this, let me know.