Zelda Twilight Princess Darknut Sword for 5mm Hands

Zelda Twilight Princess Darknut Sword for 5mm Hands


Shrunken down from the original model uploaded by StoneColdLoki, seen here - (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1112257), this is a version of the Sword used by the Darknut Enemies from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, scaled down to where the Sword's handle fits in 5mm hands, or on other 5mm ports action figures, such as Transformers, may have on their toys. A second 5mm peg was also added to the sword handle to allow for figures to "store" the sword on their hip and/or back, depending on the figure you are displaying this with. I have chosen to demonstrate its size here with Transformers: War for Cybertron: Siege - Deluxe Class Sideswipe, but I'll say this sword looks even better in the hand/hands of a Voyager Class or Leader Class sized Transformer figure.



