nehiyawewin(Cree) Syllabics All

nehiyawewin(Cree) Syllabics All


This is all of the syllabics from nehiyawewin (Cree language) meant as a tool to help language learners. Each file is one syllabic shape that can be used in a variety of orientations for the other syllabics that share the shape. Learners can use the pieces to write out words or even just to practice the sounds that makeup nehiyawewin. Please feel free to contact me if there is any regional/dialect syllabic that you'd like to see added. As a note, the files have the syllabics that would be on the cardinal directions print slightly of a star chart print slightly larger than those on the diagonals to help encourage interest in the star chart teachings and to help learners define between them. With that said, you can resize them to be the same as the other files if that is not something you'd need for your versions.






