Marlin Junction Deviation Calibration toolkit for Cura

Marlin Junction Deviation Calibration toolkit for Cura


**THIS THING IS TOO PRELIMINARY TO BE USED AT THIS POINT! AS I GET TO GET MORE INTO THE DETAILS AND MAKE IMPROVED TEST MODELS THAT WILL GIVE MORE CLEAR AND CONCLUSIVE RESULTS I WILL BE UPDATING THIS THING... TILL THAT TIME FEEL FREE TO EXPERIMENT WITH WHAT IS PUBLISHED HERE AND SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES** -- **NOTE: This tool is only useful when you have activated junction deviation in your firmware (#define JUNCTION_DEVIATION available in both bugfix-1.1.x and bugfix-2.0.x branches)** In order to successfully use junction deviation on current Marlin releases (I developed this to work with Marlin-2.0.x latest daily) it needs calibration and finetuning of this setting. As I found it quite tedious doing multiple prints with different settings for junction deviation and occasionally found it hard to compare the different prints, I created a model and Cura postprocessing script to help doing a test print for calibration using various values for junction deviation in a single model, where the value will change over the course of the print. This way you have a print that shows the effects of the values selected split over a series of sections (20 layers for each junction deviation value) on top of each other. Please read full instructions below before using --- If you used this tool, please leave me a comment on your experience of using it and your results, so I can make improvements if needed.



