Nvidia Shield Controller + Remote Stand with magnetic power connector

Nvidia Shield Controller + Remote Stand with magnetic power connector


I'm loonking for a solution to keep cable/connector in place, glue it? or something else, if you have an idea , please tell me :) Nvidia Shield TV Controller + Remote Stand + magnetic power connector Original design : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2052356 I simply took the original STL and added a hole to allow magnetic power connector Micro USB magnetic connector and cable available here : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/PZOZ-Magn-tique-C-ble-Micro-usb-Type-C-Rapide-Adaptateur-De-Charge-T-l-phone/32849697882.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27426c37DBC0Y0 I have not been able to print it yet but I made a STL test part (test_remote_dimension.STL), to check that the remote control and the cable fit to the dimensions I will post a picture when stand is printed EDIT 2019-03-07 : print stl without support but I had to sand the hole a bit to get the cable connector and connect the remote control , so maybe support can help. Cable seems to stay in position but it will be necessary to see in the time after having tested if it needs to glue it. Nice to have feature : - some hook or other thins to drive cable - review gamepade position, when gamepad is charging the gamepad cable interferes with the remote control Let me know in comments if you have other ideas ! :)






