Portable Paint Station

Portable Paint Station


I live in a small apartment, so everything I do needs to collapse down and store away. After recently getting back into miniatures I needed a way to keep all of my paint and supplies together and easily accessIble. The front is a work surface for cutting and painting. The middle, storage areas that open like shutters. And the back an filter and fan housing to create a 'bit' of negative pressure while spraying (doesn't give a lot of suction with only the two 120mm fans). Build photos : https://imgur.com/gallery/cTVrkkR #### The hardware required: **Work Surface** - 2 x toggle latches - 2 x 3" hinge (or steel leaf hinge would probably work better) **Storage** - A length of piano hinge **Fan Housing** - 4 x 8 by 3mm cylindrical magnets - 2 x 120mm low profile computer fans - 2 x 120 fan grill (optional, but I found the underlying wood was too fragile without it) #### Material used: A thinner 1/8" MDF sheets for the storage boxes, trays, and shroud. I also use this for the self healing mat boarder for since it matched the thickness of the mat: https://www.homedepot.ca/product/cutler-group-standard-hardboard-panel-1-8-inches-x-2-feet-x-2-feet/1000434563 Thicker 1/4" birch ply for everything else: https://www.homedepot.ca/product/cutler-group-1-4-inch-x-2-feet-x-4-feet-birch-plywood-handy-panel/1000114111 self healing mat: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0027RL0SA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1







Art Tools