iDR Laser Engraver
I made this design in order to utilized my abandoned stuff. This design was inspired by ZDV Laser Engraver, thanks to ZhilDV for his design For the small size laser engraver below 100 cm square, you might use 2020 aluminum extrusion, even though using 3030 V-Slot aluminum profile will produces more sturdy structure. A board from Creality Ender 3 3D printer will be used as the Controler which is Marlin based firmware instead of GRBL. Then it will has a nice LCD display and printing from microSD feature. The Laser module is 5.5 watt from this link : Edited: Since this laser module is not available anymore on that link above, you may purchase the similar laser module with a PWM input feature suported Laser PWM signal is derived from part cooling FAN signal with M106/M107 command. Since this board uses 24V power supply, i took the 5V PWM signal from the "Gate" pin of fan mosfet, to comply with PWM laser module input voltage. PLASTIC PARTS: - FrontRight Leg & RearLeft Leg --> 2 - FontLeft Leg & RearRight Leg --> 2 - Y Right Gantry --> 1 - Y Left Gantry --> 1 - X Gantry Main --> 1 - X Gantry Laser side Plate --> 1 - Laser adjuster --> 1 - X End Stop Switch case -->1 - X End Stop Switch case --> 1 - Laser Driver Module Holder --> 1 - Upper Controller case --> 1 - Lower Controller case --> 1 MECHANICAL PARTS: - 3030 V-Slot 46cm, Rear/Front profile --> 2 - 3030 V-Slot 55cm, Right/Left profile --> 2 - 2020 V-Slot 49cm, X axis --> 1 - THK SR15W Linear Guide with 50cm rail length --> 2 - GT2 bearing Idle pulley, bore 5mm, diameter 18mm, width 6mm, no teeth --> 4 - GT2 motor pulley stepper 36 teeth, bore 5mm --> 1 - Openbuild aluminum spacer 10x6mm M5 -->4 - GT2 belt, width 6mm --> 150cm - Smooth stainless steel rod diameter 8mm --> 50cm - Flexible Couple D19 L25 5x8mm Aluminum --> 2 - 2020 aluminum corner bracket --> 8 - OpenBuilds CNC V-Slot POM Delrin V Wheel V-Wheel kit (with bearing) --> 4 ELECTRONIC PARTS: - CREALITY ENDER 3 controler board --> 1 - CREALITY ENDER 3 stock SMPS Power Supply --> 1 - 4010 Fan (board coller) --> 1 - Minebea 17PM-K402-P4V stepper motor --> 2 - Makerbot compatible Limit Switch --> 2 - 5500mW Laser Module --> 1 - LM2596 buck converter for 12V Laser power supply --> 1 - Wiring