Smilodon Skull Fossil - with Augmented Reality app
This remix of the Saber-toothed cat was created to mount to a wall and with your mobile device and augmented reality you can see your smilodon fossil come to life. The app also provides reading information about the extinct smilodon that once roamed the earth. You can download the Smilodon AR app here. The model is split into pieces so you can print it larger and use multiple printers. This will also allow you to print the parts with different types of PLA and colors. I printed the smilodon skull in wood PLA, which is easier to sand and paint. If you do not plan on painting the skull you should print the two sabers in another color for best performance from the AR app. You can also not use the top wall mount and mount it directly to a plaque, like the wooden plaque in the above images.