Conrad Renkforce RF100 Overhaul

Conrad Renkforce RF100 Overhaul


Hello Community! Its time for my third Printer Overhaul! This time i am going to change my good old Renkforce RF100 v1.5(Conrad Germany Brand). It was my first 3D Printer that i´ve bought. After years of using my Creality Printers i can say that the RF100 was the most easy one to go with. 15 Minutes after taking out out of the Packet it startet its first print without any problems and perfect quality. It has built in LEDs, an acrylic housing and quality electronics components. But! The RF100 v1.5 got some problems: - MK10 Extruder - Build Volume of barely 10x10x10cm - No heated bed - No part cooling - MK10 Extruder means > No cool nozzles and stuff - Just wanna do something So, what am i going to do? Hotend: - Original Motor (because it works on this Machine) - MK8 Hotend with part cooling fan - Original Heating Cartridge and Sensor The Hotend will be something like a Bowden-Style-Thing on the X-Axis or maybe a real Bowden-Style Hotend. Bowden-Style would even improve weight and placement in the machine, DirectDrive would be more original. The idea for a DirectDrive Hotend would look like something of a very small Bowden-Style system. A real Bowden-Style system would need a lot of rewiring. Booth ways, the printeable area would be about 12x12x12cm by then. The third version could be something like but then ill not going to get more volume to print. I am going to sketch all the versions. Stay tuned for updates!



