ROBOTECH RECONSTRUCTION BLUES RRT: The following are game pieces for ROBOTECH RRT UN vs. Zentraedi war SECOND Stage. After the Zentraedi decimate the Earth and nearly knock mankind back into the stone age both the UNITED NATIONS under Captain Gloval and ZENTRAEDI under Commander Kyron need to find 3 key game pieces to turn the tide of war into their favor. Additional Requirement: A map of the world with areas/sectors divided. Each Sector controlled earns the player 1 Resource POINT (which equals 100 mobilization points). This is the default. ADVANCED SECTOR CONTROL RULES: 1) A Unit must occupy the sector and a Government Token is placed there. a. Government Tokens Funnel Resources at a default of 1 Resource Point. b. Tokens under the Government Marker Indicate the level of Infrastructure (and 1 Resource Point per Infrastructure). Thus, a Sector Government Token with 3 Tokens under 1 Government Marker equals 4 Resource Points. c. Infrastructure Costs 3 RP. Its expensive to make it hurt when you loose one. 2) Mobilization Tokens are the tokens in a Sector without a government Icon. This represents the force pool that can be Mobilized during and Attack of an other sector or to defend a sector. 1 Mobilization Token equals 100 points. SETUP and START LOCATION (may very with map): 1) UN FORCES HQ starts in North America near Great Lakes with 10RP Tokens. The tokens can be spent on Infrastructure or Mobilizing Troops. EDF Member: Gain 1 GMP Investigations Token. 2) Zentraedi Forces HQ is hidden an can only be revealed when a hostile force enters the sector. The Zentraedi Field Command must write the location down on a piece of paper. The Zentraedi start with 8RP Tokens which NONE can be used for Infrastructure at the beginning of the game. 3) UEG Force HQ starts in Europe with 5RP Tokens. The UEG tokens can be spent on Infrastructure or Mobilizing Troops. EDF Member: Gain 1 GMP Investigations Token. 4) Eastern Block HQ starts in Greater Asia (Russia) with 5RP tokens. The Eastern Block tokens can be spent on Infrastructure or Mobilizing Troops. EDF Member: Gain 1 GMP Investigations Token. 5) Baronies HQ start in an unoccupied sector or they can align themselves with the UN, UEG, or EBSIS and they will place your Communities HQ. Baronies start with 3RP tokens which can be spent on Infrastructure or Mobilizing Troops. 6) Malcontent HQ is placed where ever they like except on another HQ. The Malcontent Commander instantly takes control of Infrastructure but they must fight the defense forces on turn 1. Malcontent force roll 1d6RP for Rallying Zentraedi Forces in a sector that can only be used for Mobilization. Even if the Malcontent Commander is defeated they can start up/rally again next turn somewhere else. Malcontents can have more then 1 Rally Token. The first Token if free representing the players in-game personality. Each hero card purchased can make their own Rally Token for 1RP representing logistics management. STRATEGIC MOVEMENT: 1) UN FORCES, UEG, Eastern Block, Barony, and Malcontent mobilization pools move 1 sector at a time. 2) Zentraedi mobilization pools move 2 sectors at a time but only control sectors they occupy. Zentraedi Units must stop when they run into hostile forces. Players can choose to ignore a Zentraedi mobilization pool movement that passes by them. 3) Malcontent Irregular Forces Movements are hidden. If the unit moves the Rally Token is removed from the board. The player writes down the units current location and places the paper under the rally token off board. If a GMP Investigations token if placed on that region/sector can disrupt these units effectively destroying them on the Strategy map. TURNS: All players move their Mobilization Tokens at the same time. This task must be done in 2 minutes. When 2 minutes are up all areas of conflict are assigned. Battles are played out as players can agree on a time to meet and game. The turn does not end until all battles are fought or capitulated. 1) Game: 12 Turns (1 turn per month) 2) Reinforcements: Defenders Mobilization Tokens in other Sectors can be funnels to a defenders hot spot as long as they are 1 Sector away and have not moved this turn. These units arrive 1d6+1 turns into the TACTICAL Battle. If the Battle is won before those units arrive they are lost do to being ambushed when arriving in Sector. No rolls needed. a. Exception: Malcontent Forces have a sudden attack ability which prevents Defending Units from calling Reinforcements. b. GMP Investigations Token: Earth Defense Force (EDF) units are allowed to request 1 Investigation from the Global Military Police per turn. The GMP Marker is placed in a sector where Malcontent Irregular Forces maybe hidden. If the GMP locates (automatically) Malcontent Forces they are destroyed that turn. TACTICAL MAP: 1) Defenders setup the RRT board. If both Mobilized Armies have moved then both players setup the table. Table Setup: a. The map environment is based on the major terrain features noted on the map: Mountains, wasteland, urban, river, vegetation, ocean, lake, crater, ruins, Zentraedi Ship Wreckage, etc... b. Buildings- 1 Building must be placed on the Table per 1 Infrastructure Token in sector. If the building is destroyed the Infrastructure Token on the Strategic map is lost. See rule book for Hit Points. Objective: Collect all 3 game pieces 1) Protoculture Chamber 2) Protoculture Storage Matrix 3) Protoculture Power Unit Victory Conditions: UN Forces collect all 3 items they successfully build the SDF2 (and SDF3 as it would be) ZENTRAEDI Forces collect all 3 items Kryons successfully destroys the SDF1 and 2 and can leave Earth to Return Victories to the Robotech Empire. United Earth Government (additional player, starts when available) can also collect all 3 items resulting in the UNITED NATIONS FORCES to dissolve and victory over the aliens as the UEG cleans the planet. If the UEG has 1 or 2 of the Items they can share it with the UN to be victorious over the Zentraedi. Eastern Block Government (additional player, starts when available) collects 1 or 2 of the items they can choose who to share it with: UN, UEG, Zentraedi. If the EBSIS ends up with all 3 items the UN, UEG, and Zentraedi must dissolve to the EBSIS MOST DANGEROUS SOLDIER (MDS) program (Protoculture Enhanced Mutant warriors). BARONY GOVERNMENT: (additional player, starts when available) collects 1 or 2 of the items they can choose who to share it with: UN, UEG, EBSIS, Zentraedi. BARONIES do not have the technology level to win on their own after the Zentraedi Planet Assault. BARONIES are just surviving. Malcontent Forces: (additional player) collects 1 or 2 of the items they can choose who to share it with: UN, UEG, Zentraedi. Malcontent Forces can not win on their own. Strategy TABLE - Robotech RRT The height on the items was set at: 1) Protoculture Chamber 10mm 2) Protoculture Storage Matrix 6mm 3) Protoculture Power Unit 8mm TACTICAL TABLE- Robotech RRT was a 1/285th scale game. The height on the items was set at: 1) Protoculture Chamber 35mm 2) Protoculture Storage Matrix 12mm 3) Protoculture Power Unit 16mm Print Settings Printer Brand: XYZprinting Printer: Nobel 1.0A Notes: Strategy TABLE - Robotech RRT The height on the items was set at: 1) Protoculture Chamber 10mm 2) Protoculture Storage Matrix 6mm 3) Protoculture Power Unit 8mm TACTICAL TABLE- Robotech RRT was a 1/285th scale game. The height on the items was set at: 1) Protoculture Chamber 35mm 2) Protoculture Storage Matrix 12mm 3) Protoculture Power Unit 16mm