Two chamber rocket box style bat house

Two chamber rocket box style bat house


This is a small two chamber "rocket box" style bat house. It has been designed so that it can be printed on a 150x150x150 mm printer. The exterior was left blank so that you can customize it to your liking using MeshMixer or another modeling package. The finished house will stand around 23" tall. I chose to make this on a 3D printer after seeing the [Bat Bunker by RobertToole]( My wife is a 2nd grade teacher and they do a unit on bats in her classroom. I had been looking for a way to give them a more hands on practical way to interact with bats over just studying them in books and hit on the idea of building a bat house. The problem is that traditional bat houses are very large, very heavy and require power tools to create. My idea was to design something that even elementary grade kids could assemble and that grade school teachers could afford to produce. And that could be installed by a single person without a lot of extra equipment.






