Rival D.Va Blaster Barrel Adapter

Rival D.Va Blaster Barrel Adapter


Update 10/26/19 - You can find essentially the continuation of this piece at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3938275 where I cut down size a bunch for the sake of simplicity. Update 1: Added new files with 21.4mm OD to better fit some printing tolerances.In my testing the slots for the orings are a little snug, so I'll be updating those when I have time. I may also be shortening the entire assembly. An adapter insert for the Rival D.Va blaster that *should* allow a fairly air tight fit for your choice of barrel material. 21.75mm OD, 16.2mm ID, the slots are designed around #13 orings but *should* work with any oring greater than 11/16" ID and less than 3/32" thick. Not tested yet. Should be able to just shove it down the barrel until it hits the grate in front of the plunger. Should also work with the Kronos. Probably works better with the AR removed.







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