Remix - MP Delta Mini Glass plate bed clip
\*\* Updated to add a variant with a 5mm gap. Included is a 3mf model file you can adjust pretty easily since I split it into 3 parts. \-\-\-\- A quick 'snip and splice' remix of a great, simple, printable clip to hold a piece of glass to the Monoprice Delta mini bed. My glass is exactly 3mm thick. I had to split this model in half and extend it to be thick enough to accommodate it and the thickness of the bed. It should be roughly 4.2mm in the 'gap' of the clip. They go on a bit tight, but work like a champ. You can always tweak it the way I did to give yourself a little more room, or dial it back in. Special note: If you force them on, the lower thin surface may bend downward and prevent the bed from being able to be leveled. Put them on (all three) and then check for that. Make a bigger one if it does happen. This was a remix of a remix of the original file here: