d6 Mount radial fan in place of axial fan.

d6 Mount radial fan in place of axial fan.


To mount a radial 40x40x20 fan in place of axial fan. I am still experimenting with it so "it is work in progress" ... or "total fail". Bolts have to be mounted in the right order .. see photo. It takes about same height as original fan plus shroud of the Duplicator 6. But it is actual some more height .... 1.5 mm now. So be carefull. If it fails i will come with a bit narrower design .. using bolts with lower height head. At the moment i am also making the part that you can snugfit onto the fan for sending the air in the right direction. My d6 suffers from "heatcreep" so i have mounted an extra fan on the left of the extruder carriage.



