Untuckit shirt collar stay

Untuckit shirt collar stay


Thanks to TheRealPrintgeek for the assistance on what these these things are called! Now that I know what they're called... I searched and found mine is one of many, many, _MANY_ collar stays out there. Oops! I've got an Untuckit shirt, and it comes with little inserts in the collar to keep things straight and tidy looking. (I guess, I've got no idea) Problem is, I'm always finding it in the washer or the dryer after washing the shirt, and I'm pretty sure at some point I'm going to lose it, and then I'll be sad. Took a moment to measure it out and model it up so when that happens, I won't be sad, I'll just print a replacement. The measured thickness on the original is 0.65mm - depending on the layer height and your slicer, it might come out quite a bit under that. You might want to scale it up in the Z direction to get good results, especially if you print with a more flexible material. PLA seemed to work pretty well. **Update 16 Dec 2019:** I'm immature, and every time I look at "UNTUCKit" I think of something less mature and more rude. I added this text to the collar stay and added that to another STL. It'll amuse me to have that in my shirt when I'm dressed up nice.






