He-Man Shield Replica

He-Man Shield Replica


Update: I just re-built and configured the peice a little differntly. You may want to print from this, since I feel it's much better. I finally had access to the toy and could do some more measuring and testing. I printed the back and clip with a .4mm nozzle and .15mm layer height. 100% infill and no supports. The face, I printed with a .02mm nozzle and a .04mm layer height. It took less than 4 hours to print with supports on the interior and 20% infill. Here's my first Blender project in many years. Used this as away to get back into modeling objects again. Also, one of the first things I designed, from scratch, to be 3D printed. I came up with multiple revisions for this piece and it could use a bit more work. I had my 3D printer less than a week before I decided to give this a try. This was for a friend and he's satisfied with the results. So, the pics of the finished piece are of an early version. If I had to print it now, I would try a few different print settings to come up with better results. • One IMPORTANT note, since I was not fully aware of sizing from Blender units to the true metric size, I had to revise the original file. So there may be a bit of scaling and sizing needed. If anyone in the community wants to devote time to helping me correct the issues, I'm sure He-Man fans would appreciate our efforts.I do not collect He-Man, so I don't have the toys to work with to run out prints in order to get it right. PLEASE, take your time examining things in your slicer to ensure the sizing is correct for your needs/taste. My friend preferred it a bit larger. It is a bit on the thick side, compared to the original. If you would like to help continue development, please give feedback and I'll try to upload changes to help refine this. The clip on the back is an approximation of what the original looked like. We were having problems with it not breaking and had to conform to the limits of the printing and materials. The project is close, useful and good enough for someone that is not concerned with accuracy. Certainly not a re-pop or could ever be confused by one.



