Scepter - Elena of Avalor (luminous)

Scepter - Elena of Avalor (luminous)


I designed this scepter for my daughter. Easy to print and easy to assemble. The big diamond was printed in vase mode with transparent PETG. The smaller diamonds (buttons) were printed with blue clear PETG. (best result with 215°C smooth and shiny) The other parts I printed from PLA with a layer thickness of 0.2 mm. I printed the thinner parts with brim for better adhesion. Only Teil2 and diamond_bottom are printed with support. All parts are so small that they can be printed even in a small space. However, they must be glued together after wiring. A joint is threaded to change batteries. This scepter is constructed so that it could be lit with 3 AA batteries. 3 mini momentary switches 6x6x7mm are wired and glued to the inner part. In the big diamonds fit 3 LED's 5mm diameter. Resistors can be soldered directly to their connections. Hints: Gently glue the parts together, otherwise the batteries will not slide easily inside! There must be no glue in the inner space. In order to push the batteries better together, I have used a piece of plastic when screwing the parts. Have fun crafting! update 24.03.2019 added Teil5_shaft is now without through hole. In addition, the part now contains a shaft for better gluing together. update 29.03.2019 some little changes/optimisations (battery sliding in, wall thickness at the thread), I named the parts like xxxx_2 I prefer to use this one instead the originals: Teil5_2_shaft.STL feder_2.STL inlay_2.STL Teil4_2.STL but the old ones works too update 26.01.2020 Because my daughter has already broken 2 times between Teil5 and Teil6 and I now have a printer that can print 200 mm high, I put both parts together. Maybe someone uses it. Teil5und6.STL add alternative rounded Bottom.stl update 02.02.2020 I've added a shorter bottom section for younger children. Teil5-short_end.STL hint: the "complete.stl" is only a sample model for sla printing, not for batteries!!!







Toys & Games