Precision thumbwheel for CTC A10s

Precision thumbwheel for CTC A10s


Hello, this is precision thumbweel for CTC A10s (CR10 clone) This wheel was inspired by [ idig3d's CR-10 Precision Thumbdial ]( "You can find it here") I tried this model but it would not fit. CTC uses slightly different original dial Oiginal has 18 small protrusions and overall diameter is 18.3mm. I designed my own thumbwheel for this printer. If You are not sure please print just middle part first and test. If You like this thumbwheel but it does not fit on your printer, feel free to download model and change it as you see fit. As on idig3d's, move by one section with bigger marks is 0.1mm on bed. Smaller sections mark 0.02mm. Designed in Fusion 360: [ Here is Thumbwheel ]( "Entire thumbweel") [ Here is middle part for test-fit ]( "Middle part") Enjoy.



