ESP8266-01 & DHT11 Wireless Temperature Sensor

ESP8266-01 & DHT11 Wireless Temperature Sensor


ESP8266-01 & DHT11 Wireless Temperature Sensor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOM and circuit diagram as PDF under Downloads How to modify the flasher for the ESP01 modules or which one you need to use for this and the Arduino IDE configured to flash you will find enough on the Internet. Which program you take as well. I was only concerned with the case and the electrical structure. I submit pictures of the finished sensor. I am grateful for comments and opinions or suggestions for improvement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: ---------- Now have the pictures of the finished device now also published here. As connections of the electronics I used prefabricated Dupont cables. I removed the battery from a used laptop battery and used it again. All components were attached with hot glue. The screws for the lid are M3. Conclusion and future music: --------------------------------------- Simple and inexpensive device for temperature and humidity measurement. In the housing color I chose the light of the LEDs shines through. This can be disturbing under certain circumstances. My device is not yet optimized to save energy. I will probably remove the LED on the DHT11 module. Furthermore, the bridge for the deep-sleep function on the ESP8266 module will be retrofitted in the future. Thus, the whole device should be able to provide data for quite some time without constant charging. The values provided by the DHT11 module are very inaccurate. I will trade this sensor for the DHT22. If necessary, I'll do it for a completely new board that carries this sensor, gets a slot for the ESP8266, and the power supply of the whole. That will probably be a completely new project that I publish when it is time here also. Until then first ... have fun building after ... I would be glad about a feedback






