Pixelator for IKEA Ribba Frame
This is not an idea I came up with, I have seen this a couple of years ago at the 32C3 in Hamburg build out of cardboard on a large screen TV. Unfortunately I could not find any images to give the original creator credit, if you can point me to a source I'd be grateful. I thought it would be a nice to have this as a moodlight on small IKEA RIBBA picture frames. The models uploaded here fit for 10x15 or 13x18 cm frames. For the small frame you need a 5" TFT display (I used one from Adafruit I had laying around), for the large one a 7" display is used (waveshare or similar). This is my first attempt to design something with the Tinkercad Codeblocks. # Assembly Fit your screen to the RIBBA frame and attach a computer (e.g. raspberry pi) After printing cut a piece of colored transparent paper to fit exactly inside the frame and snap the frame to the grid. The grid and frame are designed for tight fit (0.5mm) if it does not fit scale the frame. After that fit the PIXELATOR to the frame, turn on the screen and play some random video on loop (for bonus points attach a webcam to the computer and display that image to confuse people passing by). The transparent paper can be a bit tricky to mount use some superglue to fix it to the grid and then again some superglue to attach the frame to the grid with the paper. # Playing video without desktop environment This works for any debian based os, use via ssh or console. You might also want to replace the resolution according to your screen in the `-vf scale=1024:600` parameter. ``` $> apt update $> apt install mplayer $> while true; do mplayer -vo fbdev2 -framedrop -ao none -vf scale=1024:600 somevideo.mpg; done ```