Another Terraforming Mars Box insets

Another Terraforming Mars Box insets


I created a storage for the boardgame Terraforming Mars. I have three expansion: * Hellas & Elysium * Prelude * Venus Next So it need lost of place, and possible future expansions (and place for my [player mats]( What are inside: * Each player have own colored token holder. * One big holder for the money. * Lots of place for the project cards (6 slot, now 5 and a little are occupied). * Holder for other cards (5 slot, for different cards) * One big empty box. * Holder for hexagons and environment tokens (with place for future ones) In the future, if i get new extension, i will change the design, to make place for the new components. **EDIT 2019.04.05:** Upload a version for sleeved cards. (65x90). Everything in one file you need to slit it.



