NitSpec scope augmentation project parts

NitSpec scope augmentation project parts


###These are parts for Nitramite NitSpec air rifle scope augmentation project. NitSpec scope augmentation project is a cheap system which main purpose is to calculate projectile flying path to target. It uses widely available parts like Arduino, few sensors, servo, range finder, etc to archive automatic shoot on target when operator is pointing at right calculated point. NitSpec app can also be used by spotters. This project uses phone as a processing unit and also uses phones own sensors. Android application is already in working condition but it's not yet tested in real life scenario. I am doing testing run at summer this year, after good results; application comes available for download. Application at Google Play; Application is build using android development environment implementing OpenCV. Later this project is continued with gun stand automation which makes possible that gun can be controlled remotely and will even implement machine vision to shoot targets automatically, like a sentry gun. ###More details coming later within the development process. ------ ###Current parts descriptions: ####Part name: scope_rail_hardware_mount.stl Description: This part connects to 'Raspberry Pi Metal Case Shell' which can be found with this name from Aliexpress or other online stores. See image 'pi_case' attached what it looks like. Link where I bought it is dead so I cannot post it here. So this rail part will connect pi case to 21mm gun rail. ####Part name: hardware_case_platform.stl Description: This will be glued to pi case. It connects trigger wire to this case. This case includes all external electronics, including servo. ####Parts name: trigger_wire_adapter_p1.stl and trigger_wire_adapter_p2.stl Description: These parts connects to trigger. I used some heat shrink connected to original trigger to get this part stick there smoothly. Then p2 part will be screwed as a cover that wire end wont jump off and this housing stays connected. This uses M3 bolts. More details on bolts coming later.






