Angle Grinder Chop Saw for Harbor Freight Item 60625
UPDATE JULY 31.2019: After twice breaking the PLA printed tool holder clamp, I have switched to a clamp printed with PETG filament and a high infill. YMMV. This Angle Grinder Chop Saw for Harbor Freight Item 60625 is a remix of the Angle Grinder Chop Saw for EMT Conduit and 2020 Extrusion by idig3d: The Harbor Freight Drill Master 4-1/2" Angle Grinder Item Number 60625 I purchased ($9.99 with coupon) has a different case design than the other provided clamp models. I remixed the original HF69645 clamp design to allow use of this different model grinder, essentially rotating the inner clamp flats 90 degrees -crudely- for mounting the tool to fill an immediate need for use at that time. Someday I hope to re-visit this design and make it right. Harbor Freight Angle Grinder Item 60625: I also remixed the EMT cutoff guide by using a V-groove channel to add another cutting guide to allow cutting of threaded or straight rod stock of varous sizes. The other mount and cutting guides are same as the original. Thanks to idig3d for his original design. Use at your own risk! "SAFETY IS NUMBER ONE PRIORITY" -Crazy Russian Hacker