D&D scenery: Stone Urn for Tomb of Annihilation

D&D scenery: Stone Urn for Tomb of Annihilation


Fenthasa's Quarters (area 5) in the Fane of the Night Serpent within the D&D adventure Tomb of Annihilation (TOA) contains a Storn Urn in which an Air Elemental is contained. The urn is described to be 4 ft tall, 250 pounds heavy with a 25 pounds stone lid. It is covered with snake carvings. Looking for a suitable base model for variatins, I found ecaroth's Urn of the Five Thousand Voices, originally an elaborate Mimic model: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3176596 This model already has snake-like carvings as well as a lid and could be used as is. It has a bit more of a delicate feel than the describe urn however, so I adjusted the dimensions here for a bit sturdier look. To adjust it I changed the x and y size to cover most of a OpenLock/OpenForge tile (it's 22 mm now, compared to 25.4 mm = 1 inch Openlock size, which also works nicely for the larger Wyloch style tiles. No scaling should be required. There are two different height versions, both smaller than the original to keep them under the size of miniatures. Please refer to the pictures to decide which to print. The single-urn picture shows the smaller version. The new proportion make it look massive, despite the smaller height, which should give the impression of it being heavy. You can print this model support-less in Cura by using "Make Overhand printable" with little impact to the overall looks, should you choose to.



