12 volt LED Bar for 3D printer
I needed to light up my print bed so I could monitor my prints via a webcam. Initially, I just added an LED strip around the top of the printer but the LEDs and components were a bit too exposed. I managed to blow a few of the LEDs by catching them with the scraper when I was removing prints. So I decided I need an enclosure the LED strips. 30 minutes in Fusion 360 and I came up with this design. It has 5.3mm holes so it can be mounted to 2020 extrusion using M5 screws and T-Nuts. The clear diffuser slides into place from either side and is secure in place once installed. There are holes at both ends of the body to allow wires to enter/exit the body. The body is made of an Orange PLA purely to match the other parts of my printer. The decision to use PETG as the diffuser was down to the fact I had a reel of clear PETG sat on my shelf. The LED strip was purchased from Banggood for a few £ and can be cut every 5 - 6 cm. I power the LEDs directly from one of the 12v outputs of my PSU, via a toggle switch on the front of the printer, so I can turn off just the LEDs when I don't need them, even while the printer is running. UPDATE: I've added a few different lengths to the mix. 100mm, 150mm, 180mm & 200mm