USB Strain Relief Rev Expansion Hub - Universal
Works with a lot of common straight and 90° mini USB plugs. Relieve the stress off your mini USB with a few bolts and zip-ties. I recommend attaching the REV module to your robot with Velcro. Then slide some pan head bolts up through the bottom of the rev module, up through the relief model and secure it with nuts. Plug your USB in and wrap zip-ties around the plug. In some cases, the 90° will be too big to be held by the two slots right to the left and right of the plug. In that case, I’ve added two additional slots about an inch from the middle on both sides, depending on if yours bend to the left or right. To secure it, simply wrap a zip-tie around the cable of the 90° on either of the outer slots. Although its may not be as secure as wrapping it around the plug itself, its much much much better than nothing and we’ve never had one come unplugged.