ESP32 self made Mesh Lamp with RGB Leds
## This light case is sponsored by the ESP32 Screen manager for your displays This is a humble intent to make a cool self made LED Lamp that you can control using the Espressif Mesh application (Android, I-Phone versions) Please visit the [ project page]( for the build notes and also follow the project for upcoming updates. Note: The support base that is supossed to keep the Lamp in the direction you desire did not worked 100% like I wanted and if it's too loose for the weight of the lamp you need to make it 1% smaller. Or just print it in some strong plastic like Creolytics carbon fiber. In another design iteration I will build a more custom stage lamp with a |_| X / Y access and 3 screws to have better control and adjustment. You will need some basic experience in electronics but to sum it up: Is as simple as Leds, Ω and soldiering (To be safe max. 30 mA per GPIO) Be aware than the ESP32 GPIOs in any board support only max. 40mA per digital Output so don't put more LEDs than that max miliamperes or just use a Bus driver to separate logical from power outputs. Follow the [Hackaday project]( for logs and updates Note: I've never been happy with this base ;)