10 Sided Stackable Boxes

10 Sided Stackable Boxes


I designed the base box a while ago. I use these for storing small parts while working on various projects so that things don't end up mixed together. I sometimes have them all over my desk, so I decided to make it stackable, and to add a lid for the the top box. The thing files have a slight offset to account for various printers. The inside of the boxes are all the same dimensions (ideally 72 mm), but the inserts on the bottom of stackable piece and lid are in three sizes. <ul> <li>0.5mm offset (71mm inset diameter).</li> <li>0.3mm offset (71.4mm inset diameter) - I used this</li> <li>0.1mm offset (71.8mm inset diameter)</li> </ul> There are also three different parts to each set: <ul> <li>Universal Base - This is just the standard box that can be used at the bottom of a stack, or as a standalone box.</li> <li>Stackable piece - This piece has a 4mm inset at the bottom that fits into top of the box in the universal base as well as stackable pieces</li> <li>Top- Yep, it's the top. It has the same part at the bottom for fitting the box</li> </ul> All printers are different, but the 0.3mm off set gives me a snappy fit that will hold in place, but snaps apart easily enough. I would suggest printing the Universal Base first then print a top in the offset you choose to check snugness.






