LowRider CNC V2 X and Dual Y Endstops and Z probe

LowRider CNC V2 X and Dual Y Endstops and Z probe


Low Rider Homing Sequence Video: https://youtu.be/DmiqzhqKCRY **Updated 2019-06-17** - Added belt retainer with integrated endstop bumper, and matching endstop mount that screws onto outside of Y carriage. Added part for belt retainer to give you a few inches of belt if you are short on belt. Added mount for servo to deploy Z probe so it doesn't take valuable table space. ** I had to move Z Min endstop to Z Max connector so you will need to change your endstop to be plugged in there. ** Servo, if you have one, connects to Z Min endstop. Servo arm matches the MG90S Servo. I got mine here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32844869330.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dP53urY Updated 2019-05-04 - Added mount for pressure film probe for Z endstop, changed firmware to make Z stop normally open to support this. If you are using the mechanical switch you will need to change this setting back. I used the pressure sensor here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/LERDGE-3D-Printer-Auto-Leveling-Sensor-with-Auto-Leveling-Feature-3D-Touch-Module-Film-Pressure-Probe/32819122270.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.54af7d03vRlJ4q Updated 2019-04-03 - Changed holes to slots on Y endstop mount to make it adjustable Updated 2019-03-20 - Z Probe cover had a ridge that interfered with flapper. Updated new version of '90degreehingedendstop-bottom'. If you printed the old verison it's fixable with a little sanding. Included are printable parts to mount and X endstop, dual Y endstops, and a Z endstop probe onto the lowrider V2. Please do not attempt this unless you are comfortable with editing and updating marlin firmware. Assembly: X Endstop : Shoves into the existing Z mount on the lowrider as seen in picture. May need a little sandpaper or glue depending on your printer tolerances but mine fit tight. Wire to X min connector. Y Endstop; Screws onto the inside face of the wood pieces as shown in picture. Attach Y Endstop bumpers to belt so that carriage is parallel to end of table when endstops touch them. There is a place for an optional M2 bolt if you want to make sure there is no wiggling. Wire second Y endstop to Y Max endstop connector. Z Probe: Print both halves. Hinge prints in place.. if your printer has good tolerances the flappy part should swing back and forth 30 degrees or so without too much trouble. Insert endstop into casing and screw bolt into hole in flapper so it contacts endstop switch when pushed in. Adjust bolt so switch triggers halfway through (sooner is better). Shove something spongy under the flapper when you assemble the two halves so it will bounce back. I used a chunk of magic eraser. Two halves snap together. Test switch with a meter it should also make a clicking sound when depressed. Glue a piece of metal onto switch like in the picture so probing doesn't dent the top of it. Screw the mount for the probe onto the right side wooden side piece forming a Y around the Z stepper. attach other mount to Z probe and bolt them together adjusting so router bit can some down and contact it without interference. Wire to Z Min connector. Print out many of the Z shim parts sized to different thicknesses.. 0.2mm, 0.4mm, 1mm etc. Put the shims on the Z pipes so carriage is level with table when steppers disengaged at the far right or far left. Make sure all 4 corners rest firmly on shims and none of them have a gap underneath. Download my fork of lowrider firmware here: https://github.com/Tailslide/LowriderCNCDualEndstops/releases Review config file lines marked with FSIGAP.. you will want to change the bed size to match your table, and update the custom homing menu command since it moves the carriage to middle X coordinate to drop it by gravity to align it. Look into the M666 command to perfectly square your carriage My workflow is something like this.. export gcode from fusion 360 with any kind of carriage homing or z probing turned off. Load into cnc.js, then pick the option on the custom menu in firmware to align X,Y,Z and level Z. I also added the same gcode as a custom button into CNC.js so I can click it there. After homing done, Issue G0 Z0 (or whatever the height of your material is). Begin ! Note the Z Probing will vary depending on the tool installed so I think it should work great for tool changes. The mount is floppy so you have the option of having it ride on top of your spoil board or having a space along the edge for it to slide directly on the table. Here is my XY homing, Z alignment and Z probing script: G54 G28 X Y; HOME X and Y M220 S100; Feedrate = 100% G0 X650Y5 ; Move carriage to be centered on X direction of table G91 G0 Z10; Move to 1cm height G91 G0 Z-5; Move down 5mm M18 Z; disengage Z stepper G90 G4 P3000 ; pause 2 seconds to let it fall M17 G4 P500 ; re-engage stepper and give it a bit to fire up. M220 S100 ; Full feedrate G91 G0 Z70 ; move up with lots of clearance for probing M280 P0 S94; Deploy Z probe with servo (94 degree angle) G28 Z ; home/probe Z M280 P0 S140; Stow Z probe with servo (140 degree angle) M220 S100; Full feed rate G0 X0Z40 ; move X to 0 The result is, I can draw a 300mm square with my lowrider, turn it off, move the carriage, fire it back up and rehome, and draw a second square and it is entirely repeatable to the width of my pen I can't see any difference at all. Also the square is completely square as far as I can measure.





