One of many experimental test subjects created by the Khach'vats Necrontyr Dynasty. Many of the Tyranids in my Hive Fleet have been made twisted parodies of themselves by the sadistic Crypteks of my Necron Dynasty. I figured I would try my hand at printing one instead of making conversions for a change of pace. I think with a .2 nozzle, the print lines would be much less prevalent, but otherwise the original Carnifex model is a spectacular sculpt and prints beautifully. I did absolutely nothing for post print cleanup save remove the supports. Gave it a sad paint job so I could use it on the tabletop in games... and because I already printed it. Print it as it is with supports. I used Zigzag @15% and roof option enabled. Worked very well. I unintentionally printed at 100% infill so it took a day and a half, but you can easily print it with far, far less. ++UPDATED 11 July, 2019++ -Added in the correct whole body for print with the armor plates now included. -Added in a single limb for the scything talons. Print at 100% plus a mirrored one then another + mirror at about 80%. -Added in a split set of the scything talons scaled properly for a large set and a smaller set in one easy print.