Ender 3/CR-10 FANG Lateral Cooler Remix

Ender 3/CR-10 FANG Lateral Cooler Remix


In the source FANG design the top radial fan is mounted perpendicular to the x axis. I found that this caused the stock cooler to emit annoying rattling noises during x axis movements due to the spinning blades vibrating along the shaft. For the remix I cut the original V3 mesh (*'V3-FANG-oz-fang_fixed_Netfabb.stl'*) apart in Fusion and rotated the top fan mount by 90 degrees. Sliced and printed with Cura without issues. For printing, I oriented the duct along the y axis for better stability during bed travel movements and used a brim to ensure good adhesion. Otherwise refer to the original thing for further details. **EDIT:** as I have received several questions about it; this is only the main FANG part. You will also need to download & print the base plate (*'V2-FANG-oz-carriage-plate.stl'*) and a duct (i.e. *'V2-FANG-oz-40mm-duct.stl'*) from the [original project](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2763931/files) to obtain all necessary parts for a full assembly! --- ### Related things - The fan cover shown in the photo is the [Aperture 40mm fan cover](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3504907). - I also designed a compatible [Snap-On Dial Indicator Mount](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3505229) for bed leveling.



