3D Printable Easter Grass Basket
Tired of growing grass every <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/Superbeasti/collections/easterbeaster">Easter</a>, just to throw it away? Why not make something more permanent and print the grass! This a remix of https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3504830 and is a set of the 150mm Round Grass and a basket for it As with any hairy print, these are printed sideways, and then the thinner plate is cut free. The grass should be oriented so, that each strand starts printing from the top of the grass and ends on the root. This way you get a nice effect, where the grass is thinner on the top, and adheres better to the bottom plate. Toss a like, post a make and maybe follow <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/Superbeasti/designs">me</a> over at the IG's https://www.instagram.com/superbeasti/