Uboot The Boardgame - Chip Holder Set

Uboot The Boardgame - Chip Holder Set


Uboot - The Board Game ==================== (www.uboottheboardgame.com) ------------------------------------------ I created some chip holders incl. press-fit lids for this board game. They're designed to fit each position in the game. I always added rows for activation chips. The number of activation chips that fit each position depend on the number of special chips the character has. Overall, all activation chips are distributed with this system. - Captain: 1 3x25mm holder for activation chips (9-10 each) - First Officer: 1 5x15mm holder 15mm height for the medicine chips (sorted per kind) 1 5x20mm holder for death chips, 2 compartments of red cross / fatigue chips, plus 2 compartments for activation chips (8 each) - Chief Engineer: 1 5x20mm holder for environmental conditions 1 5x25mm holder for 3 compartments of red-yellow-green mechanic repairs and 2 compartments for activation chips (11 each) - Navigator: 1 5x25mm holder for watchout chips (1 compartment), 2 compartments for the food chips and 2 compartments for activation chips (12 each) The leftover chips are: - Cigarettes: Each player receives 2, so there is no real need for a holder. - Hull breach: Single chip, no need either. - Equipment/Supply chips: Will be placed onto the section cards, no need for a holder. - Tactical map markers, does a holder make sense here? The whole set fits my Anycubic i3 Mega build plate (no skirt/brim) and takes 13.5hrs at a standard 0.2mm layer print with 60mm/s, 2 wall lines and 20% infill. Uses 153g filament. I might design card holders as well, but I'm not sure there is a real need for it. Also, the puzzle is just put on a pile, so a holder does not make sense. For all leftover parts, there are enough plastic bags to fit them in, same for the cards. Let me know if you printed one!






