Parts Tray - Harbor Freight Compatible

Parts Tray - Harbor Freight Compatible


I use these cheap Harbor Freight parts boxes to organize the huge amount of parts, bolts, and stuff I use to tinker. What I like about these boxes is that they contain small removable open mini parts boxes. When I am building something boxes and bins small and large tend to clutter up my work area. The hinge on the Harbor Freight Boxes is also a space hog. I decided to print out a mini-box holding tray, its like having the Harbor Freight Storage Box without the hinge and handle. This box will hold any assortment of large, medium, and small min-boxes. I also have a good number of boxes I have printed out in medium and large varieties (stl's enclosed). Having an open working tray of the parts I am using will help me reduce clutter. Its important that this tray can hold and assortment of the harbor freight mini-boxes I have standardized on. This was actually the third print I made on my own VBD (Very Big Delta Build) The first print was the Marvin pictured. Its quite a sight to see 600mm delta arms printing out a pint size Marvin. I am very satisfied with my VBD build because I designed and built something I could not afford If I purchased the same functionality from a vendor such as Seemecnc or Wasp. I am looking forward to sourcing a 500mm diameter bed some time in the future. I am also going to build smaller arms 500mm. For now I am using a 400x400mm square bed. The VBD has tons of printable real estate. The first layer of the print was outstanding. Being a cheap bed, The glass I am using is warped significantly in some places .1-.2. The DUET software does a great job in mapping out the imperfections in the glass using G29. The first layer is smooth the corners are flat.. perfect. Duet is amazing. The bed was $119 from Zyltech which is a great vendor. I did throw out the Fotek SSR that came with the bed in favor of a UL listed Cryodon which cost $65 with heat sink . I would highly recommend that folks upgrade their printers to include the DUET, American-European, and "lab certified components." The tray is OD 243x169x49.5mm and ID 164x238x48mm. The harbor freight boxes have countersunk circles to hold the boxes in place. This box has a flat bottom. Thus harbor freight mini-boxes stick out by about 1mm and my own boxes stick down by about 1mm.






