All Good Things Future Enterprise NCC1701 Toy Stand - Art Asylum (AA) / Diamond Select Toys (DST)
If you're like me and you like Star Trek far more than you probably should, you may have picked up some of the awesome toys from Art Asylum / Diamond Select Toys. If you're also like me, your stands are broken. And there's seemingly no way to order a replacement from Diamond Select Toys or Art Asylum. And there just aren't any remakes out there. Well, look no further! If you have a Star Trek Future Enterprise model based on The Next Generation, by DST / AA, and your stand broke, behold! A stand that is remade inspired by the original. All of the plastic parts - The Front Stand, the Back Stand, and the Plug which goes into the ship are modeled and included here. REQUIRED: Using these successfully depend on you having the original white rubber ball-joint coupling that was included with the original stand. Supports were not required, even for the cap, if your cooling settings for your PLA are correct. Much thanks to the Star Trek Logo made by coolpratheesh (Thing 123849), as his model was the basis for the 'base' of this stand. Printed on a Taz 6 with a 1.75mm filament (YES - It's true!) using IT Works 3D Titan Aero Pro head ( with Translucent Black filament.