Customizable Bed Leveling Test
Customizable Bed Leveling Test ==================== ##Customize your own bed leveling test ###Why The first printed layer is crucial. For this we need a properly calibrated bed. I have been unhappy with all the test prints so far. It was often not possible to use a skirt. So I've decided to create a customizable test file. ###How to Use 1. Download the scad file and open it with OpenSCAD ( or use the Customizer 2. Update your Printer Settings (Bild plate, Nozzle, layer height, skirt, margin) 3. Choose a shape 4. Render it 5. Export as STL file and slice it 6. Share your print: Take a photo of your print and post is as a make (with settings) ###Settings Sample (Copy it and post it with your make) printer_x = 210; printer_y = 210; printer_z = 205; nozzle = 0.4; layerheight = 0.2; skirt_padding = 0; margin = 1.5; shape = 0; ###Test Patterns * 0 = 25 squares * 1 = 5 squares * 2 = Shrinking outline squares * 3 = Full flat square bed test ###How to participate? * Share your print: Take a photo of your print and post is as a make (with settings) * Share this thing * Add a shape as a remix * Comment a desired shape or feedback ---- ###Changelog **2019-03-21: V1.0** + Published **2019-03-31: V1.0** + Activated "This is a customizer" // It didn't work. That's why I switched the feature off again. I got:"We're sorry, but something went wrong." **2019-04-27: V1.1** + Activated "This is a customizer". It works now! Thanks [@makkuro]( + I changed the order of the shapes.