RC Airplane Motor Mount and Landing Gear System
This is an experimental motor mount for a 2204 Brushless Motor. It can be mounted on the forward/aft wing, push motor, or used to create a World War II bomber. The system is modular pick the parts you need for looks. Still very experimental. The World War II cowling is very simple you can add on to it if you'd like easily with foam board and paint. The motor can be installed with standard screws and can be mounted with small leftover screws from servos. Can work with either 4 or 8 screws. Update 3/27/2019: The main 2204 motor attachment has changed slightly for better fit. The motor mount now includes a landing gear mount, print with three layer perimeter. Also included are the base design pieces at the bottom of the parts list if you want to make your own design for the 2204 motor size. There are now two different sized Cowlings. one meant to slide in front(small) and one that meant to slide over the outside(Large) Enjoy! Parts: 2204 Motor size: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=2204+motor&crid=3G92POUWUHWOH&sprefix=2204+moto%2Caps%2C157&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_9 Goodlife623 Servoless Retract Landing Gear with Metal Trunnion-DIY Retractable Gear: https://www.amazon.com/Goodlife623-Servoless-Retract-Trunnion-DIY-Retractable/dp/B00W77YG2C/ref=sr_1_10_sspa?crid=3SQYRIKQBVLIW&keywords=retract+landing+gear&qid=1553744908&s=gateway&sprefix=retracks+landing+gear%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-10-spons&psc=1