MK3 MMU2S IR-Sensor Light Block
USE AT OWN RISK This is an Adhoc design to over what I think may be an issue with the calibration of the latest IR sensor when it is used along with the MMU to upgrade the entire printer to MMU2S. Slight update as the cover appeared to not sit correctly (please be careful with the IR board as it is not strong) and also there are some changes in the board height.) IT-SET 0.3.stl is still a testing version. I think that perhaps the sensor is affected by light travelling into the arch that the gear cover upright swings through and so I have decided to test this now with an additional light block by covering over the arch whilst not bringing any collision. I also felt that you should be able to unscrew the chimney and easily unplug the sensor without any wiring issues, so I made a slot that the sensor wire can be used appose to a close slot at the back.