Smaller Print Bed - Ferrari 488 GTE/GT3 Rim Body and Top
Everything else needed to finish the rim is found here: This is an edited body for the Ferrari 488 rim that I created here ( The original Body_V2 from that set was to big to print on smaller print beds, so I cut up the original design into three pieces. This will allow you to print the full size rim, you just need to print these five files to replace the Top.stl and Body_V2.stl from the link above. **The biggest piece to print now has a dimension of 198.5mm x 145.6mm x 27mm.** The tolerances are very tight, so you will need to likely print the pieces and do light sanding to get everything to line up. Once you're happy with fit, I would superglue all mating surfaces and you should be ready to rock and roll.