small spool  200gr/500gr/1kg

small spool 200gr/500gr/1kg


This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online Based on the tamel55 small spool i did some adjustment on the threading and the wholes to wind up. Secondly i added a coupler which comes in handy if you need to spool 1kg or more. i found the tamel55 version abit flimsy so i made the rims a bit firmer almost 4 mm. Mines broke all the time when the spool was half full and wanted to repack it in a vacuum sealed bag. With 1 coupler you'll be able to wind just more then 500gr. Take 2 couplers and you'l probably end up 1kg. printed infill 100% female is about 45 gr male is about 40 gram coupler is about 30gr layer heigt 0.35/0.4 with 0.5 nozzle Threads are so big they easily fit with these course layer height. First time fit will be difficult but as soon as you tighten it and you'l get some friction unscrew it and screw it back little bit further and do the cycle again you'l see it gets easier after each screw and unscrew ..if you screw it to tight you probably end up not getting it unscrewed again. I used PLA and it tends to stick when you screw and unscrew it too tight. After using this for a while i made a customizable recycling spool adaptor which can by printed very fast and keeps existing spools out of landfill. Please if you like the model and planned to make it please post a make I would appreciate a nice cup of coffee during modeling and it helps me a lot by supporting me.







3D Printing