Tevo Tarantula X Carriage / Adjustable Belt Tensioner / Radial Fan Duct / Single and Chimera Hotend / with 3D touch mount

Tevo Tarantula X Carriage / Adjustable Belt Tensioner / Radial Fan Duct / Single and Chimera Hotend / with 3D touch mount


I updated the x carriage from "Guig" with a 3D touch mount. EDIT: Updated fan duct is available => https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3591090 As promised, here is what I used: 2x M3x12 (3D-touch) 6x M3x16 (Hotend mount) 2x M3x20 (5015 Fan) 1x M4x20 DIN912 6x M4x30 DIN912 4x M5x40 DIN912 6x Nylon washer (from Tarantula kit parts) 4x Spring washer (from Tarantula kit parts) I hope to not forgot something, please write a commend if so... You have to take all other parts from "Guig" awsome design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3344385 For the M5 screws I used self lock nuts. The spring washers are for the lower wheels. It was a pain in the a**, to get this together, but I used a nylon nut/spring washer/wheel/spring washer/nylon nut. For the upper wheel I only used nylon nuts and tighten the M5 screw until it fits without wobbeling. Between the mount and the 3D-touch I used some extra nuts, to lower the sensor a bit. I found these offset values: x_offset: -30 y_offset: 5.0 I use Klipper to control the printer, I also added my "printer.cfg" which is configured for a Tarantula with: Titan extruder, large bed, normal z direction (top mount), 3D-touch.



