Pool noodle landing gear tyre for Bixler 1.1 or Bixler 2
My local airfield's runway is a bit meh due to drought making the grass sad. So I made these foam tires. Was inspired by Flitetest :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po2P1X2OsGA Quick and dirty model that I hacked together in Fusion 360 Original tyre weigh 3.6 grams (0.12 oz), new weighs about 6 grams (0.211 oz) <del><strike>These are untested, will be tested next weekend :)</strike></del> Doesn't have any appreciable impact on the bixlers performance. Ensure that you use generous amounts of hot snot (hot melt glue) to affix the hub to the wheel otherwise it will come off if you have a rough landing :) <del><strike>Mass increase shouldn't impact CG, particularly if a little noze heavy. Main concern/problem is increased drag may cause pitch down behaviour.</del></strike> Tis a very dirty fusion 360 model so sorry in advance if parametrics are a bit meh. Hub dimensions are: 24mm in diameter, 20mm long and the internal thickness (from the inner bit to inner edge) is 16.5mm (width of the plastic bits on the original wheels). Inner hole diameter is 3.5mm