Pendulum waves

Pendulum waves


<h1>Pendulum Waves</h1> <h3>Introduction</h3> You will need as hooks as nuts you want to use. Probably, you will want to make larger the big rod, you just have to extrude the face (in my case, it has the maximum size that my 3D printer allows me). <h3>Assembly</h3> Once we have everything printed, we will need to do some calcs to get the respective size of each thread. We will use the equation I've attached down. First, we will have to calculate the constant "k", so, we are going to put as "L" the maximum height we want, and we are going to use "1" as "n", because is the first nut. Now that we have the constant, we simply replace it with its value, and to get the following values of the nut's height we will replace the "n" by the next nut number until we reach the amount of nuts we are going to put. Now, I wish you much patience to give you the exact measurement with the threads (you have to measure it from the center of the nut to the top of the hook)



