E3D-V6 HotSwap / FastSwitch

E3D-V6 HotSwap / FastSwitch


This is a Hot-Swap mount for mendel styled frames, specifically designed for the Akimbo rework (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:28431) Print it with ABS or higher temperature materials! Otherwise your mount may melt onto your printbed... On my printer it works well without support (printed in the orientation the thingiverse preview shows) the "XCarriage_FastSwitch" is intended to be mounted onto the the "akimbo_carriage" from the Akimbo thing. 6-pin MPX/Multiplex-Connectors are used, as these connectors are capable of about 35A current, wich is more the enough to handle every heater cartridge. Use the MPX-Clip from this Thing to clamp the connector to the hotend mount (as shown in Pictures). use the "E3D-V6_Holder_Clamp" to secure any E3D-V6 styled hotend onto the FastSwitch-mount. (cheap China clones also work, for people wich are stundents like me and simply can't afford to buy 10 or more genuine E3D-Hotends) The other half of the MPX-connector is just shoved through the mounting plate. Soldering wires onto the connector, together with shrinking-tubes usually holds these connectors in place very strong (again, see pictures). It is modelled in Cinema4D, i know this isn't exactly the right SW to do mechanical designes, but I had it on hand, so... I also included my Parts-Fan mount, wich I designed to fit the modified carriage.



