Coffee Day and Time Indicator Wheel
This is a handy little day and time indicator that I designed to keep track of when the coffee was made in our office. The optional holder is used to mount it onto the drip tray in front of our coffee carafes. If yours don't happen to be the same size, you can use it without the holder. The end caps are a tight press fit, and you won't be able to get them back off once you put them on. Be sure you have everything lined up the way you want it before putting the second end cap on, or you'll be stuck! Edited 4/19/19: My coworkers wanted a better indication of the Regular and Decaf pots (over and above the different colors), so I made new holders. They sit on the counter in front of the drip tray, and have a small lip that goes under the drip tray to keep them from sliding around. This could easily be edited or removed if it doesn't work for your drip tray!