Ender 3 Pro SD card adapter holder
SD card adapter holder for Ender 3 Pro. **Not suitable for Ender 3** (as the control board is flipped on the Pro). I didn't like the other holder I found here on Thingiverse so I created my own. It was designed for [this specific](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32818174000.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.442d4851ktLwuW&algo_pvid=5e6c5aa7-11b6-4c1e-9bd9-d849d730fa87&algo_expid=5e6c5aa7-11b6-4c1e-9bd9-d849d730fa87-36&btsid=0c140f56-b4bf-4d43-bf0f-710e5fa30dce&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5,searchweb201603_53) adapter. The USB port is not covered. There are 2 holes on the front, it can be fixed with the screws that came with the machine. I also added 2 holes on the top to be used with 2 T nuts in the extrusion - optional. [T nuts](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3185472) I printed it upside down with the top facing the bed, hence the ugly left side because of the supports, I guess it would be better to print as it is oriented in the stl - it was just 10 minutes faster how I did.