Soft-attach 18mm pulley block

Soft-attach 18mm pulley block


Pulley block used for 5mm outhaul line on windsurfing booms. Designed to be as simple as possible. I used a brass pipe 8mm diameter and 0.5mm wall thickness as hollow pin, you can use a thicker 8mm OD pipe, just make sure to round the inside edge to a smooth radius. The pipe has to be cut to 10.2mm long. The pulley case is held closed with the loop line by stitching. I used proper waxed sail maker wire witch help a lot to firmly thigh the block. Reliability testing is ongoing... Edit 15/04/19: working well so far, the pulley still spin freely and shows no sign of wear. Edit (last one) 6/09/19: still sound as on the first day, not sure how many hours it went thru but maybe 15 sessions, so I'll call it a pass (to my surprise)... the lazy stitching rope embroidery made the job too and saved me a fair amount of headache from doing it properly :)



